New Toll Free Phone Number 866-921-2628
1983 52' Midnight Lace
built by Choey Lee Shipyards
The boat came in on a semi truck from Sandusky, OH. Two cranes were used. One 70 ton and one 60 ton. The unloading process took about 3 hours.
Working to remove engines. Judging by coveralls, the engine room is about clean too
Rented a crane to pull engines and generator
After sanding, buffing and several coats of varnish Midnight Lace has a
name plate.
Close to $80,000 worth of engines and transmissions were unloaded.
These are the engine mounts.
Installing the insulation.
We are using a laser to determine that the wings are flat. Tig welding to get the wings wings to keep the mass in place.
This video shows the rot, but we need permission to proceed.
This video shows the welding process.
The engines will be replaced tomorrow. The left is the new one, the right is the old one.
The epoxy has been poured.
The lights in the engine room have been installed.
This video shows rot that has been found near the window.
The engines have been installed.
The wall that was rotting has been taken out.
The spot that was rotted has been repaired and the entire wall has been fiber glassed.
A second coat of Cpes is being applied to the bottom of the boat.
The small hole that was leaking has been fiberglassed to prevent future leakage.
The transom was sanded and honey teak is being applied.
The transom has been sanded.
The bottom has been sanded and is ready for fiberglass.
The first coat of fiberglass has been put on.
The first of three hydraulic steering hoses has been installed.
The places where the blocks were holding the boat up, are being fiberglassed.
The second layer of fiberglass is being put on.
The transom has had 3 coats of varnish applied. The first picture is after the second coat was sanded, the last picture is after the third coat.
All three hydraulic hoses have been installed.
Tiger hair is being applied to the very bottom to close up all gaps.
The transom has received the fifth and sixth coat of varnish.
The transom has now received the seventh coat of varnish.
The keel is being c-pesed to ensure the fiberglass does not pull away from the bottom.
The mast has been pre-coated.
The floor panels have been laid down.