270-866-2628 Paul@woodiesrestorations.com
2000 Hacker 
22 ft. Runabout
New Toll Free Phone Number   866-921-BOAT (2628)

Scope of Work

Custormer Requested scope

Woodies Restorations Observations and reccomendations

Ferrous metal cotter key used to hold the propellor on! Note the rust! We will install a stainless cotter in place of this one. Also the Jam nut will be replaced with the proper castle nut that works in conjunction with the cotter key to hold the prop in place on the tapered shaft.
Step pads will be polished, re-chromed or replaced.
Here she is! "She's a Keeper" 
Named for the owners wife who purchased this for her husbands 50th birthday present! 
The trailer jack has already been replaced. She is currently in our showroom awaiting the dip test to determine the cause of the excessive water infiltration.
Varnish on hull sides is "crazed" or "crazing" These small random cracks are the beginning of the breakdown of the varnsh coat. Left alone these will evenually.... no.... very soon .... allow water to infiltrate the finish and under the finish and start releasing the varnish making a complete strip and refinish necessary! 
We recommend the use of a webbing style lifting strap to be used in the lifting ring.  The softer bronze lifting ring can be deformed under the layer of hard chrome plating. When this deformation occurs the hard chrome plating will be cracked and will release from the softer substrate. These straps are cheap... $30 or so and prevent damage to the lifting ring!
The transom had been refinished and the graphics changed. Note the stain and or varnish left on the stainless trim.
When the transom was refinished the exhaust trim rings would have been removed. Note the "squozage" of sealant in screwholes and around the copper exhaust pipes!
We can erase any evidence of the dock jumping out in front of this boat!  
Prop is back from rework and polish
view of prop installed with flash
view of prop installed without flash
view of port transom post with stainless removed and possible plank seperation at stern
view of the stbd transom post with stainless removed showing rough work

aft view of port aft chine removed
view of port side fwd chine new piece temp installed
view of port chine new piece temp install
pic of stbd chine showing rot infiltration into white oak, note arrow pointing to about 3/8 cleared out spot in chine
stbd side fwd chine removed
stbd side chine middle removed
view of rot on old chine cap from stbd side midships
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port fwd chine replaced
port side midship chine replacement
repair to port transom corner
stbd chine repair joint aft end
stbd midship rot repair at and just above chine, arrow shows seam
stbd chine replaced fwd joint
stbd chine replaced
transom repair and new paint start
closeup of transom repair and new paint start
stbd transom pic of repair and paint start