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1996 Hacker Craft
Here are some before photos of the boat so once the project is complete we can reflect back and see the difference from when we started.
​And so it begins. All of the hardware and trim has been removed and the first coat of stripper has been applied to the decks of the boat.
The decks have been sanded, stained and have a coat of sealer applied.
Here we have the decks with six coat of varnish applied. At this point we are at the halfway mark and now we will wet sand to remove any dust or blemishes and ensure that we have a smooth flat surface for the next round of build up coats. 
We have also started wet sanding the sides for maintenance coats of varnish. You can see the white hazy area in the picture we will sand until the entire side is completely white which will let us know we have removed any high spots in the varnish and we are completely flat. Then we can begin applying varnish.