New Toll Free Phone Number 866-921-2628
1966 Chris Craft Ski Boat
The boat will receive engine work along with varnish work.
The boat is being prepped to have the varnish stripped off.
The varnish is being stripped off.
The varnish has been completely stripped off and the boat has been sanded.
The sides and decks have been bleached.
The sides and decks have been stained.
The blonde stain has been put on the key plank.
The sides and decks have been sanded, including the deck lines.
The generator was installed, along with the shaft.
Rot was found and removed in the nose of the boat. Plugs were installed.
The sides have been sanded.
One coat of varnish has been applied to the entire boat.
Overstaining planks that were much lighter than the rest of the planks for an even color.
Another coat of varnish has been applied.
Mahogany caulk is filling the deck lines. They will be painted white later. The boat is also being prepped for the final coat of varnish.
The boat has been washed and is ready for the final!
The final coat of varnish!!!
The deck lines are in process of being painted, along with the white sides.
The deck lines are in process of being painted, along with the white sides.
The bottom is in the process of receiving sanding, and will be slick seamed.
The holes have been filled in.
The bottom has been painted.
The trim and the interior has been installed.
The gauges are in the process of installation.
The fuel tank is being installed.