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1965 Century 21' Coronado
In the photos above there are a few pictures of your boat hanging in the gantry crane.  First things first though, I wanted to tell you that we had an uneventful trip back from Atlanta and wanted not only to thank you for all of your hospitality but also to tell you that we can't forget the wine!

We have removed (lifted) your boat from the trailer, so the next step will be to diagnose the problem.  We power-washed the existing frames so we can inspect all of the frames.
The two photos above show you where your boat is currently located here in our shop. At this point, it has been power-washed and de-greased with "PurplePower," which is a non-petroleum-based de-greaser, which allows us to do a detailed inspection for additional damage (such as rot, or crack damage) much more easily than if left uncleaned.
"BEFORE" Photos:
The photos below show you the cut and milled replacement battens (white oak) for the Coronado's bottom, plus the 3M 5200 tubes of marine sealant.
4/07/2016 Update:
The photos below show your boat being unloaded at our main shop when we first returned from Atlanta, & Paul beside your African Mahogany replacement wood (for the bottom of the boat, over the battens).
Shown below are the rotted ends of the side "stakes" which will need to be addressed as we install the new white oak ribs, many of which you made.
We have all of the missing and rotten frames on the bottom replaced and the keel temporarily refastened. Now we can start the process of replacing the frames on the side that are damaged.
Update 07/19/2016
Update 08/09/2016 - 08/12/16
There was a lot of rot about 3 to 4 inches at the bottom of a lot of the frames. Not every one of the frames were affected but most were. The bottom of the transom was also full of rot as pictured above.
Here are some pictures to show how we are fixing the rot in the bottom of the frames. Only the rot will be removed from each frame. This will not affect the strength of the boats structure because in replacing the rotted spot with new wood we will also connect the new piece to the exsisting frame with a butt block. This will allow us to replace only the section that is rotten and not have to replace the whole frame. There are a total of twenty two stakes and we have replaced thirteen.
As you can see we have now replaced all but one of the severely damaged frames and all of the damaged stakes. We have a bundle of white oak being delivered to our shop on Tuesday morning at which point we will be able to finish the rot repair on the bottom of your boat.
While working we found one of your intermediate frames was broken and needs to be replaced.
We have replaced thirteen of the twenty-two frames and stakes. There are soft spots where rot is evident in the remainder of the frames. Where we are at in this process it would be best to go ahead and replace the remainder of the frames so there will be no problems in the future.
Update 08/15/2016 - 08/19/16
The bundle of white oak came in Tuesday morning so now we can finish replacing the rest of the frames on the bottom of your boat.
We have the majority of the frames replaced, of the twenty-two frames we have three remaining to be replaced. We should have the remaining three finished early Monday at which point we can begin reassembling all of the frames with 5200.
Update 01/05/2018
As you can see we are back hard at work on the bottom of your boat. We are currently temporarily installing the stem, gripe and keel so we can make sure all of the frames are installed properly. Once we know all of the frames are installed properly we can then begin fabricating the new keel.
Update 01/19/2018
We now have all of the frames fabricated. There were a few frames that had to be remade because they were not made to correct dimensions. As you can see we have all of the frames temporarily installed and can now start fairing all of the frames to the correct height.
Update 01/22/2018
Update 01/23/2018
You can see in the pictures above we are trimming each frame to the correct height using a router and jig. The jig is simply two pieces of pipe with a block of wood at each end to hold them together. The pipes are laid across the keel and chine to duplicate the shape of the bottom. At this point we then find the correct height from the keel and then proceed to guide the router up and down the pipe and trim the frames to the correct height and pitch.
Now that the frames are trimmed to the correct height and pitch we now will perform the same procedure to cut the notches for the batons. Most of the notches for the batons were already cut but by attaching the strips of plywood to each frame we simulate the shape of the bottom which allows us to cut the notches to the correct pitch as well. 
Update 11/9/2020
Update 10/14/2024
Update on 1965 Century Coronado battens replaced
Update 12/24/2024
To view your update video please click HERE
Bottom Planks fitted!!!