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1961 Lyman 25' Sleeper
Here you can see we have replaced the section in the stem where rot was present. We have also removed the rotten and damaged sections of the frames.
We now have the new sections of the frames installed and the rabbit cut in the new section of the stem to accept the new planking. Speaking of which we will now begin making the new planks to replace what was removed.
Here you can see we have started making the planks for the front of the boat. The picture to the left shows, once we have the planks rough cut, how we use a hand plane to fair the plank to the correct size and put a bevel on each plank to accept the next plank that is put in place. Once we get all of the planks cut and shaped we will then remove the planks and begin permanently installing everything with 3M 5200 Marine adhesive and stainless fasteners.
The port side planks have all been made and dry fit. Now we can remove the planks, glue everything together and do the final assembly.
We now have the bottom planks permanently installed with 5200, screws and clinch nails. Once the 5200 cures we will then coat the bottom with barrier coat then paint.
We have filled all of the screw holes in the bottom, sanded and painted the bottom with one coat of bottom paint. We are hoping to dip the boat the first of next week and if there are no issues we can then finish painting and complete the job.
The boat has been tested in the water and all of the leaks in the bottom have been fixed. The bottom has been painted. The sides have been touched with paint in areas necessary and after the boot stripe has been touched up the paint will be finished. We have also re installed all of the interior back into the boat. Once the CD player and electrical issues are addressed the boat will be completely finished.
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