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1958 Chris Craft Sportsman
Varnished Rear Deck
Two rows of planks removed at this time. Once the new rows of planks are installed next to the keel we will remove the next role out. Note: Strut and prop removed to get garboard plank off.
Band saw being used to re saw planks from a rough cut 8/4 wood.This is plank is from our most recent wood purchase that your planks will be made from!

Three planks are ready to be installed!
The two rows of planks have been installed. Third one has been removed. 
The latest wood purchase that is being used for your planks.
The entire rest of the bottom has been re-fastened as most of the original screws crumbled when we removed planks. Interestingly the entire boat had been sister framed at some point in time and we were able to put most of the new fasteners into sister frames - which sped the process along a bit... which is good as we are running over budget on the plank replacement. We should have all the new planks on later today or by COB on Monday!