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1953 Nunes Brothers 40'
Roman Coppala Project 2013
Water damage on side of cabin. The hole in the photo is a drain hole for one of the windows. As you can see where it drains there is varnish missing down to the sealer it appears as the wood is not discolored.
This photo shows CRAZING of the varnish. Notice the lines that appear to make a semi circle around the marker light? Those lines are tiny cracks in the failed varnish. If we coat over this without removing the crazed varnish it will peel off in a few months. We are in the process now of removal.
Some bare wood showing!  This the next step beyond crazing. So this area where the wood is bare crazed first then the varnish flaked off.  The treatment is the same. We have already stripped the side of the cabin and are working toward getting varnish on today.. Saturday 12/7/2013
Varnish Concerns
Below is a screenshot of our task list we are using to ensure we fit activities into each possible minute of our day !

Weather HAS hampered us a bit on the progress of the varnish... as has the extent of the varnish damage done by being out in the weather during the marina dredging operation. 

We apparently brought the cold weather with us as the week before we got there was in the 70s and the week after we leave will also be in the 70s!  So it has shortened the windows of opportunity to apply varnish.  We only get a couple of hours each day where conditions are suitable for application and yesterdays window of opportunity was closed due to the rain starting at that time. 

 FORTUNATELY, we have had plenty of other work INSIDE the boat to accomplish and we have been able to stay VERY productive on it. 

The screen shot is a little fuzzy... so I'll review it here.
We have checked both the house batteries and the inverter batteries. They are toast... We have new AGM batteries with a 4 year full replacement warranty being delivered on Monday!

We have replaced all 120volt lighting with LED bulbs cutting power consumption for lighting by a factor of 10!  

We have checked the inflator under the starboard rear cockpit seat. It is fine.. powered by the house batteries that were not operable. That was the reason the unit was not working.

We have checked the engines for sheen. The starboard engine puts out quite a fuel sheen. We will be attempting an adjustment of the carburetor in this first wave. If that is not effective we will have the existing carb rebuilt during the next wave. (we rebuilt the port carburetor last May (2013)). 

And of course we have begun the varnish work!   
The Area above Taylor's finger shows where the varnish has failed right along a sharp edge on the wood. This will be repaired by a light sanding, overstaining of the wood and then applications of sealer and varnish. After all repairs to the cockpit are made (there are more) maint coats will needed.
This varnish is not badly damaged......but it is a little tired. It has lost some of its sheen and it is time for maintenance coats.
Roman Coppala Project 2014
Safety - added tie off points at helm for belt and lanyard…

Windless - found that my supplier didn't order the windless… he thought I was just pricing. That got ordered on Last friday.

Maintenance agreement - Working with yard to determine an annual maintenance schedule.

Cooler lid latch - done

Misc - water filter for end of hose used to fill water tanks. Marina is on well water - it is treated- but the management won't drink the water. By putting this filter on the end of the hose when filling the water tank all taste and odor will be eliminated. I made a command decision.

Electrical Add additional house batteries. - to be located under master stateroom bed.

Varnish. I am in the stripping and bleaching stages. Starboard side ready sand and varnish.
The boat has been taken out of the water to view the bottom. 
Rot was found and repaired near the windshield. It just needs a littlemore stain for matching. 
The inside chrome has been polished, along with the walls painted. The cushions have been cleaned and are free of all rust. Stain and varnish work has began. 
Roman Coppala Project 2016