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1946 22ft Chris-Craft Sportsman
These are the before pictures, updates will be posted later.
Spacer blocks were missing. in place was a bent/broken bolt.  The bolt actually goes in a hole beneath the spacer block that goes thru the transom bow. It was supposed to hold the transom bow to the engine stringer. We found the bolt like you see it.... with the head cut off. There was no bolt through the engine stringer to transom bow joint.  The boat lifts from the bottom of the stringers. The right hand stringer in the photo would have to transfer this weight from the lifting bracket back to the first frame forward of the transom bow!  With the spacer block in place this is no longer a concern. 
Preparing for final coat of white paint
Painted varnish room floor
Other Improvements Include:

Wireing being wrapped in cloth to keep it vintage. Also used vintage style wires
Engine wired up
Installed battery
Installed bilge pump
Ran wiring throughout boat
Ran wiring throughout boat
Prop and prop shaft installed
Prop and prop shaft installed
Grooves had to be cut into prop shaft. they were not used on Hercules engine but is used on the Chrysler
Grooves had to be cut into prop shaft. they were not used on Hercules engine but is used on the Chrysler
Engine box covered with vinyl
Engine box covered with vinyl
Stained seat back
Strut installed
Engine box
Engine box
Seat back
Gas Tnak in place
Batteries wired up
White sides being finished
The longer of the two is what the boat originally had
The original wiring
The original wiring
The original wiring
The original wiring
Installing drain plug in forward part of boat
Drain plug in stern of boat
The yolk that is to large for the splines
Bolts currentlt in place 5 in aprat
Mount for box that is 4in apart
The steering box that is currently in place is the wrong one and can't be modified to fit. the yolk on the end of the steering arm wont fit because the splines on the steering box are to small. Also the box mounts with bolts that are 4in apart and the bolts currently in place are 5in apart
New back seat bottom
New back seat bottom
Old back seat bottom
Old back seat bottom
Installed bilge pump
Installed a few gages in dash
This is a area where the varnish started to run. It is not a area that we varnished but we can reapir it.
These are the exhasut brakets. They are in pretty rough shape and should be replaced.
Seat frame trim for rear seat. Original stripped, sanded bleached,stained to match sealing boards inside boat, sealed, and varnished - 4 coats thus far.
Rear seat frame duplicated without Rot!  Once we worked out the puzzle of seat frame parts we had the rear seat but no parts for the front seat.
This is how we segregate your boats parts from others
Prop shaft installed and engine alligned. Thru hull for water pick up for engine installed.
Prop ballanced, polished and installed. New strut and strut bearing installed. 
Bilge pump and discharge thru hull installed
We made a trip to Guntersville and took measurements and photos of another 1946 U22 so we can duplicate the front seat frames accurately.  
Socket of ball and socket joint on throttle control at carburetor has been replaced. Here is the faulty one. 
Bilge blower installed under floor. It ventilates at cowell just behind the driver. That way the driver can quickly smell for gas fumes just by turning his or her head around and sniffing the exhaust of the vent fan.
Using two 6 volt  batteries in series provides us 12 volts to run the starter and still charges the batteries with a 6 volt generator. 
We have taped, papered and placed plastic on the inside and the outside to protect the rest of the boat as well as we have removed the bow stop while we strip and sand down the decks. 
As we began to take the transom off we discovered where the previous applications of 5200 were incorrectly distributed in lines instead of smoothed out across the wood for a better seal.
We sanded the transom and started to remove the parts that were cracked and cut out some parts that were more difficult to get out.
The seats have several coats of varnish. They were sanded down, vacuumed free of saw dust, wiped down and had additional coats applied to the bottom, front and the back of the seat.
Jointer planed two planks for the transom and steamed them to bend across the transom.
Sanded the rear top, glued in bungs on the front top deck, applied wood filler to various places, sanded down the bungs and the filler, spot bleached a few more areas and sanded around the rub rail edges to give us a clean palette. 
This is the ACBS award winning boat example we went by to recreate the seats. 
Our recreation.
Since the last update, we have stained, applied sealer, and two coats of varnish. 
The sides are being painted. 
The final coat of paint. 
The final coat of paint. 
Sanding deep scratches out of the cutwater. We will also tig weld the crack at the bottom and buff it.
The varnish work is being done.
The chrome has been put on the boat. The step pad rubber have been ordered. The hole in the latch is weak due to the side missing. If pulled hard enough, once installed, it could break off. 
The screw holes in the bow light parts has all been chromed over. The center part can be drilled without noticing. If you turn the part at the right angle, you will notice two rings. The outer ring shows where the hole was counter sunk, the inner ring shows where the screw hole was. 
Here is a picture of what your chrome should look like with the screw holes. The chrome you sent is missing them, and we can not put it on until it is fixed. 
The cutwater is being polished to ensure there are no scratches. The waterline is being taped off to be painted on later. 
The dash has received a coat of varnish, the sides are also receiving a coat of paint. 
The waterline is being taped off, again. We are using a boat that was in the most recent issue of the The Brass Bell as a guide. 
The first coat of red paint. 
The dash has been over stained, and then varnished. 
The dash has had the last coat of varnish put on.
The waterline is also finished. 
The back seat and the floor panels are being painted.
Yesterday, we received the rub rails.
The floor panels have been fabricated and painted.
The hardware for dash has been polished. 
The flooring has been installed. The floor panels are fastened under it, but can be reach by rolling the flooring up. 
The metal trim has been installed in the dash. 
The gauges and the switches are bring installed. 
The temperature sending unit has been installed and attached to the gauge.
The windshield trim is in place. 
The wood trim that goes behind the rubrail to keep the metal trim from losing its form, is being cut and will be installed. 
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