New Toll Free Phone Number 866-921-2628
1941 Chris Craft Deluxe Runabout Model 101
Rot in end of chine (starboard side)
Filling cracks in the frames
Transom bow removed for duplication
View under the dashboard.
The battery hook up is temporary.
The wires have been installed.
The bottom of the boat has been repaired.
Cleaned the rust from the horn and painted it black.
Checking the fit to know which sealing boards fit where. Once the fit is found, they will be marked on the back for a quick reference.
Installed the lights for the gauges, all the wiring is complete.
Fabricating new interior boards.
The interior has been fabricated and put together.
The hatch has been put on the back.
The original seats are rotted out and will be fabricated new with new supply.
The water intake system and the shaft log has been repaired.
The copper pipe has to be cleaned out and was not solder correctly.
The boat drove fine but upon further inspection, we found that the engine is leaking oil.
The inside cockpit is being varnished.
Work on the interior has began.
The rub rail is in process of being installed.
Kapok bags are being put inside the seat cushions.
The seats are in the process of installation.
Spacers have been installed to ensure a proper fit for the seats.
The hidem has been installed.